Ducted air conditioner is an air conditioning system that has ducts throughout your house, which allows it to cool your entire house effectively. It works by using a central thermostat to regulate the temperature of the air and then distributing the cool air through a series of ducted tubes into the various rooms of your house. The central duct system eliminates the need for your central air conditioner to constantly run up and down, which is a huge money saver. These systems are also much more energy efficient than most other types of air conditioners on the market today.
Before you decide to install a ducted air conditioner in your home, it is important to know exactly how these systems work. Basically, they are composed of three separate components - the compressor, condenser, and evaporator. The compressor is where your refrigerant is stored, and the condenser is where all the refrigerant is condensed. Lastly, the evaporator is what cools off the stored refrigerant, and it is the final component, which distributes it to the different rooms of your house. Get to know where to find the best ducted ac in dubai.
Although they all basically function the same way, there are some major differences between the three types of systems available. For example, wall hung split air conditioners use two ducts, while window type units only use one duct. Another important difference is the size of the compressor or condenser. Wall hung units have larger compressors and condensers, and window ones have smaller compressors and less powerful condensers. Installation of ducted air conditioners is typically more expensive than installing an air conditioner on the wall itself, due to having to seal off the ducts, and to having to purchase new ductwork. However, if your current air conditioning unit is seriously malfunctioning, it may be a better long term option for your house. Follow this page to get enough details about Ducted AC Units.
If your unit is currently functioning properly, and you just want to upgrade to a better model, then an outdoor unit is probably the best way to go. Ducted air conditioning units are much more energy efficient than the wall hung variety and also provide you with the opportunity to install a window air conditioning unit in your home as well. However, if you are currently living in an older house, then an indoor/outdoor unit is probably the best overall solution for you. This is because an indoor/outdoor unit can reduce the energy needs of your entire household quite significantly, even when you only have a single room that needs cooling.
When you are considering installing ducted air conditioners, you may be wondering what you need for installation. Although the actual installation process may take less time than that of a window model and may actually require less expertise than that of a complete window installation, it is always a good idea to hire a professional. While it is certainly true that there are many do-it-yourself kits available on the market today, you never really know what you are doing when it comes to something as large and complex as a ducted system. Also, professional installation is definitely worth the extra money. Your HVAC contractor can make sure that your system is installed properly and can also help you with any electrical needs that may come up along the way. Also, having a professional install a duct system can mean that you don't have to worry about any leaking connections down the road.
In short, ducted air conditioners are a great way to improve your energy efficiency throughout your whole home, and may even be the solution that you have been looking for to improve your comfort and quality of life. As always, it is a good idea to check with your local building codes before making any decisions. If your current HVAC equipment is more than 10 years old, it is recommended that you replace it with new, modern equipment that will save you money in the long run. A quality, energy-efficient HVAC system can also help lower your overall home utility costs. Check out this related post to get more enlightened on the topic:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heating,_ventilation,_and_air_conditioning.